The cosmic entity “MEN FROM THE SEA” (seen in 2000): the sketch is just as I SAW it on a wet winter’s day, looking out at the Caribbean Sea. The lines of the sketch represent fine grey strands outlining the human body in constant movement. There were many bodies, beautiful, sober, walking proudly in from the sea.

23. Cosmic Entity « MEN FROM THE SEA»

Working in my studio, in 2003, I made the clay mould from the sketch, then took a print on paper. When I saw how stiff and rigid the bodies were, without thinking I put them in a tray and ran them under the tap. With the pressure of the water, the stiff material became a moving, gelatinous substance that was difficult to pick up; I spread it out on a table and that is the result of the work. The difference between the final image and what I had seen disturbed me so I decided to carry out a search.

This is the answer I received, although I failed to catch the first words in the sentence.

“… these bodies continue to live in an terrestrial substance. They are living, organic bodies, scattered everywhere; they are part of our lives, part of our everyday existence. They were the fathers of this world, the men who came from the sea.”

Question: Why did they come from the sea?

Answer: Because the sea is life as it is death. Everything is continuity.

Question: What were they exactly?

Answer: They are our ancestors, those who have illustrated us in the universe like magical beings; they are not eternal, but die eternally in this world. That is why you loved them so; because they are part of your life, your blood, and your moods. Humans are like them, all human beings.